ॐ क्रिमिभ्यो नमः 

Vedic Microbiology

Virtual University


3rd World Vedic Microbiology Conference  


 December 2025 ; Surat, Gujarat, Bharat/India


Whatsapp - +91 9409100019, 6356661008


Email- vedicmicrobiology@e-vedichindu.university, vedicmicrobiology@gmail.com


नमो वेदरहस्याय नमस्ते वेदयोनये ।
नमो बुद्धाय शुद्धाय नमस्ते ज्ञानरूपिणे ॥

Salutation to the secret of the Vedas, Salutation to origin of the Vedas.
Salutation to the one possessing all the wisdom and being the Pure one and the form of knowledge.

नमो ब्रह्मविद्याधिपतये ब्रह्मविद्याप्रदायिने ।

नमो वेदरहस्याय कालकालाय ते नमः ॥

Salutation to the lord of Brahmavidya, besides being the bestower of Brahmavidya. You are the secrets of the Vedas and the lord of Kala, Salutation to you.

              श्रुतिस्मृतिपुराणानामभ्यासः सर्वदा हितः ॥ 

              साङ्गानां सोपवेदानां सकलानां नरस्य हि ।

Human should remain engaged in learning Shruti (involves the 4 Vedas), Smritis (involves six Vedangas, Ramayana & Mahabharata; 18 Smritis, DharmaShastra, ArthaSastras, NitiShastras Yogic texts, Bhashyas, Sutras & Shastras, Samhitas including Ayurveda etc.) and Puranas as well UpaVeda and 64 kalas or Art; Practice or Studies of these scriptures are always beneficial.





भृगु-र्वशिष्ठः क्रतुरङ्गिराश्च मनुः पुलस्त्यः पुलहश्च गौतमः ।



रैभ्यो मरीचिश्च्यवनश्च दक्षः कुर्वन्तु सर्वे मम सुप्रभातम् ॥ १ ॥



सनत्कुमारः सनकः सनन्दनः सनातनोऽप्यारि-पिङ्गलौ च ।



सप्त स्वराः सप्त रसातलानि कुर्वन्तु सर्वे मम सुप्रभातम् ॥ २ ॥



सप्तार्णवाः सप्त कुलाचलाश्च सप्तर्षयो द्वीपवनानि सप्त ।



भूरादि कृत्वा भुवनानि सप्त कुर्वन्तु सर्वे मम सुप्रभातम् ॥ ३ ॥



इत्यं प्रभाते परमं पवित्रं पठेद् स्मरेद् वा शृणुयाच्च तद्वत् ।



दुःखप्रणाशस्त्विह सुप्रभाते भवेच्च नित्यं भगवत्प्रसादात् ॥ ४ ॥





इति ऋषिस्तुतिः समाप्ता ॥




Discussion between Arjuna and Vyasa on Yugadharma

Vyas Said 
तिष्ये मायामसूयाञ्च वधञ्चैव तपस्विनाम् । 
साधयन्ति नरा नित्यं तमसा व्याकुलीकृताः॥1॥

Vyasa said, “In the Kaliyuga the people, feeling by the attribute of tamoguņa, shall always remain engaged in malice, collecting of riches and the killing of the ascetics.

कलौ प्रमारको रोगः सततं क्षुद्धयं तथा । 
  अनावृष्टिभयं घोरं देशानाञ्च विपर्ययः।।2॥

During the Kaliyuga, epidemics of fatal disease, perpetual fear of hunger and starvation, fear of droughts and destruction of countries prevail.


What is Vedic Microbiology ?


Vedic Microbiology encompasses the science of invisible organisms (Krimi क्रिमी/ कृमि i.e. Microorganisms / MicroEmbodied Organisms or Microbes) enshrined in the Veda-Ayurveda and other numerous Sanskrit texts in the (scattered) form of Richas / Slokas brought into light by the Vedic Rishis / AyurvedAcharyas thousands of years ago in the Spiritual Holy land वेदभूमि  विश्वगुरु भारत VedaBhumi VishwaGuru BharatIndia.


VEDIC MICROBIOLOGY VIRTUAL UNIVERSITY (VMVU) was established on 14th January 2018 (Makar Sankranti Day/Uttarayana) with the specific objective of advancing research, fostering innovation, and providing education in the field of Vedic Microbiology and its various emerging branches. VMVU is working under the aegis of Vedic Virtual Vidyapeeth (Trust registered with Government of Gujarat; Registration number E/7407/Surat) and Intercontinental Vedic Hindu VirtualRishiKulam (OPC) Pvt. Ltd., (Registered with Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India).


VMVU Is accredited with International Assocation of Vedic Hindu Universities (Regd. with Government of Gujarat, India). VMVU has universal university affiliation code - IAVHU1008002UUAC. VMVU Is accredited with Association of Vedic Virtual Universities bearing the accreditation number AVVU1008002.


VMVU is a tribute to ancient Rishis (Agastya, Kanva, Badrayana, Chatana, VedaVyasa etc.), Ayurvedacharyas (Charaka, Sushruta, Vagbhatta, etc) who first introduced the science of Krimi i.e. MicroEmbodied Organisms or Microorganisms (Microbiology) to the world. 


Vedic Microbiology Virtual University potrays itself to be as an exclusive Vedic organization dedicated for Education, Research, Innovation and Development of Microbiological knowledge enshrined in the ancient Scientific Sanskrit texts like Vedas, Ayurveda, Puranas, etc. (known as Vedic Microbiology); besides highlighting the potential of Vedic microbiology for indigenous--sustainable development and well-being. 


Vedic Microbiology Virtual University was established by SriKanvaKuladhipati              Dr. Chakradhar Frend ‘VedNipun’ on 14th January 2018 [Uttarayana; Makar Sankranti Day]. VMVU is an offshoot ‘Avatar’ of Rishi Kanva Vedic Microbiology Research Institute (Launched on 11th July 2006, Guru Purnima Day). 

Rishi Kanva Vedic Microbiology Research Institute is affiliated to World Vedic Microbiology Organization®, UK, 'Vedic Virtual Vidyapeeth' (® Government of Gujarat, India), European Alliance for Innovation (Belgium), Maharshi VedVyas International Virtual Vedic University (www.e-vedicuniversity.com).


एवं पैतामहं धर्मं मनुव्यासादयः परम् ।

स्थापयन्ति ममादेशाद्यावदाभूतसंप्लवम्॥

This the Dharma (Here Establishment of Vedic Microbiology Virtual University) as established by the grandsire, is continued to be further established by Manu, Vyasa and others, till the end of the time of dissolution.



Veda was revealed to Bharat and Bharat is the projection of Veda. “Veda” and “Bharata” is one and the same. Both are incomprehensible if anyone is neglected. Genetically explaining, Veda is the ‘genotype’ [Spiritual manifestation / Blueprint] of Bharata and Bharata is the ‘Phenotype’ [Physical Manifestation] of Veda. Without grasping Veda, which includes Itihasa and Purana, BharataVarsha will always remain a clinched book. The YogaMaya or Atoms of Maya which encircles BharatVarsha is different from that of other countries or continents.


“Veda” & “Bharat” exists in three form- Physical भौतिक, Spiritual अध्यात्मिक and Deity दैविक.



The Veda literally means “Absolute Consciousness” or “Knowledge” and Bharata means—‘Bha’ भा means “light and Knowledge”, and ‘rata’ रत means “attached or devoted to”; i.e. reference to one who is illumined, i.e., who has attained cosmic consciousness, realization of the absolute. Bharata means devoted to light as against darkness. So Bharata is not the name of a mere geographical entity placed in some corner of the world and having its geographical, topographical, and other limitations. Bharata stands for every individual soul that has this idea of light, the dedication to the light, as against immersion in darkness1.





The Gods aspire to be born in this Punya-bhūmi, which is also called Kürma-mūrti


भारतवर्षस्य कर्मपुण्यभूमित्वेन श्रेष्ठत्वं प्रतिष्ठितम् ।

कूर्मरूपेण देशस्य भारतस्य देवभूमित्वं प्रदर्शितम् ॥


BharataVarsha denoted in the past a confederacy of nine parts called NavaDvipas or Nava-Bhedas and the ninth division or the Unit was called Bharata-Dvipa or Kumari Dvipa.


  • Bharata sub-continent is the land of holy rites in the whole of the earth.
  • Bharata is the seed of everything and no other holy place of rites in all these worlds.
  • In the whole of the Earth there is no other sub-continent equal to Bharata.
  • Excellent men who are highly blessed are born in Bharata.  









 9th - 13th August 2004,


World's first research paper on Vedic Microbiology was presented by
Dr. Chakradhar Frend in the 
1st World Congress on Vedic Sciences


Dr. Chakradhar Frend, Sri KanvaKuladhipati of Vedic Microbiology Virtual University is a Vedic Scientific Researcher and Kriya Yoga Practitioner. He was initiated into the Vedic knowledge (Yoga Vigyan, Mantra Vigyan, Tantra) by SiddhaPurusha YogaDaividhi Dr. Shiv Bachan Baba ji in 1992. He received Kriya Yoga Diksha (spiritual initiation) in 2005 from YogaManasvi Sri Padmakant Thakur ‘Bhagwan’ ji, (Sri Shyamacharan Sangh, Patna). He received information about Microbiology from Bhishak DevDutt Acharya (An Arya Samaji Vaidya) in 2000. He carried our research (2002-2004) on Vedic Microbiology from Maharshi Academy of Vedic Sciences (Ahmedabad, Gujarat) under the guidance of Dr. Rashmikant P. Mehta. 

Dr. Chakradhar Frend in the cave of Sri MatsyendraNath, Toranmal Hills,

Sahada, Nandurbar, Maharashtra.

Year - 2009 

Dr. Chakradhar Frend in Sri Shyamacharan Yogapeeth (Bounsi, Bhagalpur, Bihar) for Kriya Yoga retreat. Year - (MahaShivaRatri) 2022 

Dr. Chakradhar Frend in Mahakumbha 2025, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh took spiritual bath in Holy Ganga and offered prayers on the auspicious Vasant Panchami. 


Dr. Chakradhar Frend in Mahakumbha 2025 gifted his book 'Evolution of Vedic Microbiology' to Dr. Jay Prakash Bharadwaj (Rewari, Haryana), Director of 'Aayushya Mandiram' and Chief Editor of 'The Vedic Times'.

Mahakumbha 2025 : Dr. Chakradhar Frend in conversation with Swami BhanuPutra Paramhansa from Thailand, who was staying in the Pilot Baba Campus, Sector 18 of Mahakumbha Mela. Dr. C. Frend gifted him the books published by Vedic Microbiology Virtual University and Maharshi VedVyas International Virtual Vedic University.  


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Dr. Chakradhar Frend's

Vedic Microbiology Research Project

since 1996










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